UK Girl on FIRE is an ambitious university student who is not keen on trotting along faithfully in the consumerism hamster wheel, as she has been doing blindly for the past twenty-odd years.

A typical day in my life involves biking to lectures, eating in the cafeteria with my friends, and then some table tennis training or an orchestra rehearsal in the evening.
As a hardcore numbers gal (I’m a science student, after all), I’m not afraid to use logic to decide how to live my life. Being human, I have fallen many times to desire/fear – and am very capable of laughing at myself for it xD – but having this blog up and running the numbers will (
Unable to find much about personal finance for university and college students, I decided to start UKGOF to chart my journey towards financial independence and retire early (FIRE). Join me in the battle against consumerism and my quest for freedom!