Retire by 30. These are the enticing words of Mr Money Mustache that sucked me into the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement.
Before I read MMM, I thought I was destined to 40+ years in a (probably desk-bound) job, followed by some golden years of travelling before becoming bedbound. Either that or becoming a stay-at-home mother like my own mum, and not having the father of my kids around to take them to/from school. But after reading MMM, I realised that those weren’t the only choices.

I have found that much of the financial advice out there is very US-centric. I find UK-based personal finance blogs useful, but a bit drier and more information-dense than I like. As the old saying goes, if you want something done well, do it yourself!
On this blog, I hope to chart my own journey towards FIRE and share the lessons I’ve learnt about personal finance, saving money and investing, and hopefully hold myself accountable by telling strangers on the internet.
I am by no means a personal finance advisor, but I will do my best to link to reputable articles and include the relevant data to back up all of my decisions. Of course, I will be leaning heavily on MMM’s advice and philosophy, but hopefully, you will find my blog more relatable and applicable to your own situation (as I assume most of my readers will be in similar situations to my own).
Of course, as a student, I have very little cash coming in and quite a lot of cash going out (£9250, or $12,100, a year just for tuition 😭). But getting financially independent is not just about money! This is the perfect time to cultivate good habits and a rich mindset – something that even you can do.
So join me on this journey to financial independence, and I hope we will turn from strangers into a community of like-minded, supportive people. Sound good? Do add your email to the list to be the first to get notified when I publish a new post.
UK Girl on FIRE