As a student, I often have to be creative when it comes to finding ways to have fun without breaking the bank. I’ve found that there are many things you can do for free to boost your mood!
By incorporating some of these into my daily routine, my base level of happiness increases. By increasing your base level of happiness, you can avoid the hedonic treadmill while still being happy every day 🙂
However, happiness doesn’t just come in one flavour. There are many different types of happiness you can experience, and I’ve roughly split them into 6 different categories. Let me know in the comments if you can come up with any more ideas!

- Going for a leisurely stroll
- Whether you’re in a town or the countryside, the trick is in noticing the details
- Be a tourist in your own town – appreciate it as though looking at it through new eyes. Take your camera with you – it will help capture new angles you didn’t notice before
- Enjoy the countryside as though you’ve been set free – cameras also help here
- Admiring the sunset/sunrise
- Meditating – or just focussing on counting breaths slowly for 5 minutes. Here is a good guided meditation.
- Looking out of the window on a rainy day
- Listening to the wind and rain at night
- Writing 3 things you are grateful for
- Massaging your own hands or feet
- Stretching
- Sleeping more

- Hand-writing a letter to someone to tell them the impact they’ve had in your life – this old-fashioned way of expressing gratitude really speaks to people and doesn’t have to take long
- Reaching out to someone you haven’t spoken to for 6 months
- Doing a random act of kindness
- Calling your parents/guardians/siblings/loved ones
- Complimenting your partner (and genuinely meaning it)
- Visiting a local free event
- Volunteering

- Reading a book
- Practising or learning a skill
- Creating some art
- Writing/journaling
- Shopping your own closet/wardrobe (i.e. creating or preparing new outfits with your existing clothes)
Pumped/Naturally High

- Exercising
- Having sex (lol)
- Hugging someone
- Finishing off a difficult or long task and feeling accomplished
- Planning something, whether that’s a potluck/movie night in/board game night with friends or just having something fun to look forward to
- Dancing madly to your favourite song
(Short-Term) Pleasure from Consumption

- YouTube
- TV shows (or Netflix)
- Facebook/Instagram scrolling
- News
These last two can definitely also be a black hole for negative emotions, so approach with care!

- DIY – whether it’s home decor or a present for your friend
- Checking your bank accounts
- Decluttering/selling/upcycling clothes
- Organising your life/appointments/environment
- Cleaning
What free things do you like to do to raise your base happiness? Let me know in the comments and I’ll add them to the list!