I guess I should introduce myself before we start. Where are my manners?
I’m Jenn (not my real name, because I’d rather not have the whole internet able to stalk me) and this is a blog about money in the UK. A lot of this will be heavily disguised as lifestyle content because that is the best way to illustrate the journey to FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early). Don’t worry, fellow nerds – there will be some numbers too!

Getting wealthy is very much about mindset and philosophy (two things you can control) more than it is about your boss and the economy (two things you can control less). This blog will help you think better about money and lifestyle and will give you the tools to make the most of what life throws at you.
Luckily, I have stumbled upon FIRE relatively early on in my life, but I have also had several shameful years of shopaholism. I have started to turn my life around, one shopping trip at a time. This blog will chart my upward journey, and if I help anyone along the way, that will be a bonus!
Since much of my philosophy is based off
To prevent any rehashing of his advice, I will always link to any posts that he has already created on his philosophy. This frees up my blog to focus on the more practical aspect of applying his mindset to everyday life in the UK, more specifically, as a student – but I’m sure these practicalities will be useful to those more advanced in their careers too.
Once you’ve woken up to the state of the world in their self-imposed consumerist prisons, but have no idea where to start, then this is the place to be!
Great to see another UK FIRE blog out there. Also amazing that you’ve hit on the concept so early. The magic of compounding is definitely on your side!
I actually came across MMM rather late in my investigation of this space. It was people like Sam at Financial Samurai and LivingAFi (not blogging anymore) and even Jacob at Early Retirement Extreme who piqued my interest. Having said that I really enjoy his stuff now!
Good luck with your journey. I’ll be cheering you on!
Thank you for your comment! I have lightly skimmed some of Financial Samurai and ERE’s articles (as well as some of yours, which I have really enjoyed!) but I definitely think there are many gems to be plundered in this FIRE blogging space.
Thanks again for dropping by!
Always good to see another UK FIRE blog and as @Caveman says, you have a lot of time for compounding to do its wonders!
FYI, I was also turned towards the way of FIRE by MMM, although I don’t really read his blog any more these days.
Good luck with the blog and with your own journey!
I’m definitely glad that I stumbled across FIRE so early! I think MMM has some interesting things to say philosophically, but a lot of his numbers and strategies must be modified quite a bit to apply to us here in the UK.
Thanks for your support, I’ll definitely keep you updated!